Rosenbloom, Randy

Media - 1996
For more than 25 years, Randy Rosenbloom has been a play-by-play and featured sports broadcaster for local, regional and national events, including football, basketball, baseball, and the NBC Barcelona “Triplecast” in 1992.
Among his numerous radio assignments: the L.A. Clippers, UNLV football, Liberty and Hula Bowls, Wimbledon tennis championships, and Raiders Talk. On television: UCLA basketball, Softball World Series, beach volleyball and Canadian Football on ESPN; volleyball, football and basketball play-by-play for Prime Ticket and SportsChannel America; Fresno State football and basketball for seven years; Ivy League basketball on DirectTV; and CFL Las Vegas Posse football.
On local TV, Randy hosts a weekly sports program for Time Warner Cable, and since 1994, called the championship high school finals for KLCS-TV. Previously, he held a similar position at KCOP, describing four consecutive CIF-SS football finals.
Rosenbloom, a 1978 California State University Northridge (CSUN) graduate, received the Associated Press Radio Award for Football reportage in 1981, and the AP Basketball Award in 1985, 1989 and 1990.