Reifman, Leonard

Pillar of Achievement - 1990
Len Reifman has been a Vice-President of Maccabi USA/Sports For Israel--sponsors of USA World Maccabiah Games teams--since 1973, and continues to hold that position moving into the 21st Century. He served as one of three U.S. members of the International Maccabiah Committee (IMC) for two terms, 1977-81 and 1985-89.
L.A. born Reifman was a playing member of the 1957, 1965, and 1973 U.S. Mac-cabiah Volleyball Teams, and served as volleyball sports chairman from 1977 to 1985. He was also a key player on the Los Angeles Westside Jewish Community Center's 1956 National Championship volleyball team. Reifman is considered one of the great left-hand players of all-time.
Len was a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee in 1980, and in 1984, was co-attaché to the Israel Olympic Team that participated in the Los Angeles Games. Longtime active with the Jewish Big Brothers, he has served as a member of its Board of Directors since 1984.
In June of 2005, Len was honored for his 40 years of service to Maccabi USA Sports For Israel at Gala Tribute Brunch attended by over 250 at the LA Skirball Center.