Miller, Steve

Basketball - 1993
Steve Miller is one of the most successful high school basketball coaches in Los Angeles history. In the past twenty years, his teams--Fairfax and North Hollywood--have won three Los Angeles City Championships and six League titles.
Miller's Fairfax High varsity teams won League and City championships in both 1977-78 and 1978-79. He moved to North Hollywood High School in 1985 and built the school into a powerhouse, producing many college scholarship athletes. His teams have won eight consecutive league championships and the 1990 City title.
Miller also coached at Los Angeles City College and, in 1982-83, led the school to its first league crown since 1970.
From 1965-85, while toiling in classroom studies at Emerson and John Muir Junior Highs, and before he devoted full-time to coaching varsity basketball, Miller was one of Southern California’s top high school basketball officials. He also officiated two years in the Freshman Division of the Pac-10 Conference.