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Hecht, Harold

Media - 2010
Harold Hecht is a three-time Emmy Award-winning producer for his NBC coverage of the 2000 (Sydney), 2004 (Athens), and 2008 (Beijing) Olympic Games.
Hecht, a 1981 Beverly Hills High graduate, produced more than 60 Grand Slam tennis TV events between 1994 and 2009, including the 1996-2002 U.S. Open for the USA Network; 1998-2009 Australian Open for ESPN; 2004-2009 French Open for ESPN; 2003-2009 Wimbledon for ESPN; 1999 Wimbledon for HBO.
In addition to his Emmys, Hecht is recipient of three Tennis Magazine’s “Best Tennis Coverage” awards.
With a racquet in hand, Hecht was the #4 ranked So. California 18-under. He played varsity tennis all four years at Cal Berkeley, and during the 1980s, was a world-ranked ATP player.
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