Epstein, Alan

Media - 2001
Alan Epstein has been calling the play-by-play of Pepperdine University basketball since 1985 on radio stations KIEV, KCRW and Armed Forces Radio. A familiar voice in Southern California regional high school sports, he has also broadcast Simi Valley and San Clarita Valley high school football for 12 seasons.
Epstein’s numerous broadcasting credits include Nevada-Las Vegas football on KDWN and UCLA baseball on KCRW. He is also the radio voice of Southern California polo matches at Will Rodgers State Park.
An Associated Press West Coast Award winner, Epstein co-authored Play-By-Play Sportscast Training, the first play-by-play broadcasting text (published by Kendall-Hunt), and has been an instructor in announcing and sportscasting at the Columbia School of Broadcasting for more than a decade.
Upon graduating from Beverly Hills High School, Epstein earned his degree in Broadcast Journalism at Cal State Los Angeles.