Elliott, Helene

Media - 2015
Helene Elliott, the "Los Angeles Times" beat writer for the Stanley Cup Champion Los Angeles Kings, was the first female journalist to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. She received the Elmer Ferguson Memorial Award in 2005 for bringing "honor to journalism and to hockey".
One of the first women to cover the sport of ice hockey, Elliott began her career in the late 1970s when many locker rooms and press boxes were closed to women, except by court order. As such, she often had to wait for hours after games ended to conduct interviews.
Elliott has covered most major ice hockey events. This included every Stanley Cup Finals since 1980, the 1980 Winter Olympics "Miracle on Ice" U.S. defeat of the Soviet Union, and the growth of ice hockey on the West Coast fueled by Wayne Gretzky's arrival to the Los Angeles Kings.
In 2006, after many years of covering hockey and Olympic sports, she became the Times general sports columnist. She continues today as one of the top journalists in the United States.