Denkin, Martin

Boxing - 2001
An international boxing official since 1970, Marty Denkin has refereed or judged 141 World championship bouts. He was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996.
Denkin was a top amateur boxer from 1950 to 1956, beginning as a bantamweight and finishing as a lightweight. In 124 matches, his record was 112 wins, 12 losses. He was appointed to the State of California Athletic Commission in 1983, and held the position of Assistant Executive Officer from 1986 to 1989.
A trainer/manager of amateur and professional boxers, Denkin was appointed coach of the 1964 U.S. Western Regional Olympic Boxing Team.
Since 1975, Denkin has appeared in numerous film productions in various boxing related roles, including: “Raging Bull”, “Rocky III, IV and V”, “The Sting 2”, “The Jack Dempsey Story”, and “Streets of Gold”. He is currently technical director for the film, “Muhammad Ali”.