Dorfman, Jack

Allan Malamud Memorial Scholarship, El Camino Real High Schoo - 2018
Jack Dorfman just graduated from El Camino Real Charter High School and will be attending UC San Diego in the fall. An honor student, Jack has been involved in the school newspaper for three years, taking over the head sports editor role this year. He writes both sports and opinion pieces, and posts to "LATimes High School Insider".
Jack has also worked on ECR Live for three years. By the end of his sophomore year, he was doing color commentary for the Division II Football Championship game. In his junior year he live-streamed football, girls and boys soccer, and baseball. In his senior year, Jack ran the whole program, doing play-by-play for football and both boys and girls basketball. He also added volleyball to ECR Live, and broadcast the Girls Volleyball City Championships.